Daily Archives:

June 13, 2024

Monsoon Season: Are You Prepared, Arizona? #TurnAroundDontDrown

Monsoon Season: Are You Prepared, Arizona? #TurnAroundDontDrown

The annual monsoon season, spanning from June 15 to September 30, is rapidly approaching

The annual monsoon season is almost here. This period is characterized by intense thunderstorms that bring lightning, strong winds, and heavy rains. These monsoon thunderstorms…

A New Era for Elections: Pinal County's State-of-the-Art Facility

A New Era for Elections: Pinal County’s State-of-the-Art Facility

Pinal County Unveils New Elections Building

On Monday, June 11th, Pinal County celebrated a significant milestone with the unveiling of their brand-new Elections Facility in Florence, Arizona. This impressive 53,000-square-foot building…

Arizona's Vital Water Safety Report: An In-Depth Look at the 2024 Pool and Spa Drowning Study

Arizona’s Vital Water Safety Report: An In-Depth Look at the 2024 Pool and Spa Drowning Study

Understanding Nonfatal Drowning Injuries and Fatalities to Keep Arizona Safe

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released its comprehensive 2024 report on pool and spa submersion incidents, offering critical insights into nonfatal drowning…