Rising Star: Sam Novak Soars in Pole Vaulting with Mental Coaching from Dr. Sierra Dimberg

Rising Star: Sam Novak Soars in Pole Vaulting with Mental Coaching from Dr. Sierra Dimberg

A 17-year-old high school student and aspiring pole vaulter, is capturing attention in the track and field community with his outstanding performances

Sam Novak’s recent victory at the Arizona state championships, where he clinched the title in all divisions, is a testament to his dedication and the exceptional mental coaching he has received from Dr. Sierra Dimberg, a sport psychologist at Banner Sports Medicine.

Sam’s journey to excellence in pole vaulting is not just about physical prowess but also about mastering the mental game. Under Dr. Dimberg’s guidance, Sam has developed a suite of mental skills that have been crucial to his success. These skills include meditation techniques, enhanced focus, and mental preparedness, which have collectively bolstered his confidence and performance.

“When you’re about to fall from such a height, it can be daunting,” Sam reflects. “But through Dr. Dimberg’s teachings, I have gained the confidence to know that I can do it and that I will soar over the bar.”

Dr. Dimberg’s influence on Sam’s performance is evident. She remarks, “Sam had a great foundation of skills to build on, and he has been diligent with his mental skills practice, including meditation and visualization or imagery.” This diligent practice has seen Sam achieve remarkable heights, with his current record standing at an impressive 17 feet.

Heather Novak, Sam’s mother, shares her pride and reassurance in seeing her son excel. “Seeing Sam’s confidence gives me the reassurance that he is safe and capable of achieving new goals and reaching new heights,” she says.

As Sam approaches his senior year, he is already contemplating his future, including potential universities where he could pursue a business major. Despite his academic ambitions, pole vaulting remains a top priority, and he continues to push the boundaries in this challenging sport.

Dr. Dimberg’s role in Sam’s journey underscores the critical intersection of mental and physical training in sports. Her expertise has not only helped Sam achieve his current success but also set a strong foundation for his future endeavors in athletics and beyond.