FBI Urges Vigilance and Safety as Pride Month Celebrations Continue in Arizona

FBI Urges Vigilance and Safety as Pride Month Celebrations Continue in Arizona

As we reach the halfway point of Pride Month, the FBI Phoenix office is issuing important safety guidance to ensure the well-being of all participants in Pride Month events across Arizona. Pride Month, celebrated every June, honors the LGBTQIA+ community and commemorates the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance.

The FBI’s core mission is to protect the American public and uphold the Constitution. Integral to this mission is the commitment to safeguard individuals and communities from hate crimes and violence, including those targeting the LGBTQIA+ community. In a continued effort to promote safety, the FBI calls on the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or threats related to Pride Month events.

Current Threat Assessment

According to a recent report issued by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), there are potential threats from foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) and their supporters that may target LGBTQIA+ events during Pride Month. However, FBI Phoenix has confirmed that there are currently no known threats to any LGBTQIA+ events or communities in Arizona.

The FBI encourages everyone to be aware of the following possible indicators of threats and to report them to authorities immediately:

  • Violent Threats: Any threats made online, in person, or via mail.
  • Probing Security Measures: Unusual or prolonged testing of security measures at events or venues.
  • Surveillance Activity: Photography of security equipment, personnel, or access points without a reasonable explanation.
  • Interest in Security: Unusual surveillance or interest in buildings, gatherings, or events.
  • Restricted Area Breaches: Attempts to gain access to restricted areas, bypass security, or impersonate law enforcement officials.
  • Facility Security Inquiries: Questions about security measures, including barriers, cameras, and restricted areas without a reasonable explanation.
  • Eliciting Event Information: Requests for information about upcoming events, crowd sizes, or busiest times of day without a reasonable explanation.

Safety Recommendations

FBI Phoenix offers the following tips to help ensure the safety of everyone during Pride Month celebrations:

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  • Stay Alert: Always be aware of your surroundings. If you notice anything suspicious, report it to local law enforcement or call 911 immediately.
  • Report Threats: If you encounter any threats, submit a tip to the FBI online at tips.fbi.gov or call 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324).

Commitment to Community Safety

The FBI remains dedicated to working with local law enforcement and community partners to protect the rights and safety of the LGBTQIA+ community. By remaining vigilant and proactive, we can help ensure that Pride Month events are safe and inclusive for all participants.

As Pride Month continues, the FBI Phoenix office reaffirms its commitment to upholding justice and equality for everyone. The public’s cooperation and awareness are crucial in preventing potential threats and ensuring that Pride Month remains a joyous and secure celebration.

For more information on reporting threats and staying safe during Pride Month, visit the FBI’s official website or contact your local FBI field office.

Contact Information:

  • Submit a Tip Online: tips.fbi.gov
  • FBI Hotline: 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324)