Attorney General Mayes Announces Landmark Conviction in AHCCCS Fraud Case

Attorney General Mayes Announces Landmark Conviction in AHCCCS Fraud Case

Ariell Dix Sentenced to Prison in Major Medicaid Fraud Scandal

Attorney General Kris Mayes said that Ariell Dix, 37, had been found guilty and sentenced to prison in relation to a large-scale plot to cheat Arizona’s Medicaid system, AHCCCS, marking a landmark win against Medicaid fraud. The state’s determination to combat healthcare fraud is demonstrated by the fact that this case represents the first jail sentence in the continuing investigation.

Attorney General Mayes confirmed that Dix pleaded guilty to two felony charges of illegal control of an enterprise. She was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for her involvement in orchestrating a sophisticated fraud operation. “This conviction and sentencing are a major step in our fight against sober living home fraud,” said Attorney General Mayes. “Make no mistake, criminals who defraud Arizona taxpayers and prey on vulnerable communities will be investigated and aggressively prosecuted by my office. I am proud of the work done by the agents and prosecutors at the Arizona Attorney General’s Office in ensuring justice is served in this case.”

Dix had a major, dishonest part in the plot; by assisting in the creation of fictitious clinics, getting patient lists for AHCCCS billing fraud, and fabricating patient records to guarantee a consistent flow of funds to the fraudulent businesses she was affiliated with, she enabled Medicaid fraud. Tens of millions of dollars were illegally drained from AHCCCS and the State of Arizona as a result of the fraudulent actions, which took place between January 2019 to September 2021.

Assistant Attorney General Brett Harames and Assistant Chief Special Agent Daniel Miller oversaw the case’s investigation and prosecution. Their hard work paid off, as they were found guilty, holding Dix accountable and sending a clear message to other those engaged in similar fraudulent practices.

Attorney General Mayes stressed the case’s wider ramifications. “We are dedicated to safeguarding Arizona’s most vulnerable communities and making sure that public funds are spent wisely. This sentencing shows how determined we are to find and prosecute healthcare fraudsters.

This historic conviction is evidence of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office’s unwavering efforts to stop fraud and safeguard public dollars. Dix’s successful prosecution serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to maintain strict enforcement and constant watchfulness in order to protect the integrity of public health initiatives.

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office is unwavering in its commitment to expose and expose fraudulent schemes, guaranteeing that justice is served and the public’s confidence is restored, even while the investigation into Medicaid fraud progresses.